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Includes: 6-10 GPM - 20%  2.3mm GP Chemical Injector body, Plated Ball-Valve, 3/8" Plated QC couplers, inlet strainer with 48" Chemical Inlet Hose and 24" High-Pressure Bypass hose.


Get maximum flow, reach higher elevations and extended distances with minimal pressure loss associated with typical downstream injectors. Completely assembled and ready for use. This setup allows for maximum flow and pressure while delivering higher concentrations of liquid chlorine or other cleaning chemicals while reaching farther distances. Includes: 3/8" plated Quick Couplers, designed for use with 3/8" ID hose. Designed for higher flow (5-8 GPM) cold and hot water pressure washers.


Alternate between chemical application and cleaning with no restrictions, pressutre loss or reduction of flow. An economical solution for heavy use or entry level Soft-Wash applications with your existing pressure washer.


Chemical Does Not Run Through The Pump

Built To Last - Applies Liquid Chlorine With No Flow Restrictions or Pressure Loss


  • 4-10 GPM Flow Range
  • Plated Ball-Valve
  • 3/8" Capacity Flow
  • 20% Fixed Downstream Injector 2.3mm
  • 48" X 1/4: Inlet Chemical Suction Hose
  • SS Inlet Metering Ball
  • Plated 3/8" Quick Couplers
  • Zinc Plated Steel Fittings


*Consider Adding Optional: JROD Assembled (4) Nozzle Downstream Bypass Chemical Allpicacator System. Save time and money delivering a consistant spray pattern for application and rinse  


Downstream Bypass 6-10 GPM @ 20% Chem Injector 3/8" QCs & Plated Fittings

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